
Mill House Medical Centre

This practice was founded in 2009 to provide medical services to the community of Middleton on the south coast of the Fleurieu.
The practice is fully accredited to the standards set by the Royal Australian College of General Practice.

All doctors maintain their continuing professional development of the college and registration with the Australian Medical Association.

We are an accredited teaching practice for Flinders University Graduate Entry Medical Program for medical and nursing students and a training unit for registrars within the regional vocational G.P. training provider. This provides longitudinal and vertical education for our practice team.
Mill House Medical Centre Karen & Joe

Our Community

Situated between Victor Harbor and Goolwa, Middleton is considered as the centre of surfing for many from the Adelaide Metropolitan area. The vast coastline allows for experienced surfers, those learning to surf, and families.

In winter, the whales visit our coastline and over the past few years they have grown in numbers.

Our community is a mix of country suburbia, tourism, and farming. 
Mill House Medical Centre Whales
Mill House Medical Centre Surfing Beaches
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